Christianity, a grandiose sugarcoated pie in the sky lie.
I can't imagine why anyone would want to be around another smelly rotten human male corpse named jesus after they die....Why is that, could it be that we were all lied to by our parents and religious authorities?
The convenient lie of christianity!
Can something that was believed to be true 2000 years ago still be believed and revered today as a pure fact? Unless of course you're a coward and are afraid of being sent to hell for what you happen to believe in your mind.
1. The world is more than 6000 years old, in fact it's billions of years old.
2. The planet earth is still growing and developing islands and new lands.
3. There is no proof or evidence that humans were ever created from dirt, or from earth.
4. Invisible beings have never been and cannot be proven to exist.
5. The NT gospels were not written until 20 to 100 years after Jesus' supposed death.
6. No one knows the original names of the NT authors.
7. Saul/Paul never personally met Jesus.
8. Saul/Paul was a murderer turned self-appointed saint.
9. Anyone having a baby out of wedlock 2000 years ago, was immediately stoned to death, unless your name was Mary and happened to be raped by a rabbi.
10. Joseph was bequeathed to Mary, but she had a baby out of wedlock.
11. Mary was supposedly raped by an invisible ghost.
12. Virgin birth is not probable nor possible and breaks the laws of nature.
13. The people who wrote the NT thought that the world was flat, they also thought diseases were caused by demons and witch spells and that the heart was the center of all thought and emotion.
14. There is no proof that Jesus ever existed.
15. The people that wrote the bible had no formal education they also thought that the earth was at the center of the universe and the Sun rose over the earth.
16. There is no proof that a serpent, a bush or donkey ever spoke words.
17. There is no proof that demons, angels, spirits, ghosts, holy ghosts, miracles, souls, blessings, a savior, god or gods exists anywhere.
18. There is no proof or evidence that anything exists beyond one's death.
19. The bible is nothing more than a book of superficial fantasy and fables, invented and made up to manipulate and change the way and direction that people would normally think.
20. The bible and all religious materials should be destroyed immediately.