Questions People Never Ask Themselves

1. How did you learn your first language and learn to talk? ans. By mimicking sounds made by others, heard through your ears!

2. How did you learn to walk? ans. By mimicking what you saw and with help from others!

3. How did you hear about the Bible God and or Jesus? ans. Either by hearing others repeating scripture or reading the Bible yourself!

4. How did the above actions come about? ans. From watching and mimicking and hearing other's through indoctrination, i.e repeating and mimicking other humans!

We all presume when as a child, that the people we mimic and help us learn to walk and talk that they have more truthful knowledge than us, but this just not the case, they are just mimicking others that they too, presumed had more truthful knowledge than them and religions and beliefs are passed down as truth and it's not always the truth.

No religions and beliefs are true!

It's all just passed down indoctrination, composed of ancient hearsay and superstitions!


Deacon Barry said...

Of course, this is the reason christian parents don't want their children exposed to anything ungodly. A child will stay in their religion as long as they know of nothing else. When they realise that there are millions of people out there who not only don't believe in God, Jesus, Heaven & Hell, but consider people who do to be, at best, totally uncool, or, at worst, dangerous theocrats. Once the doubts set in, the child is faced with an important lifechoice which will influence his mindset for the rest of his life.

Steven Bently said...

Gosh thanks Barry, you definitely know what's going on. TC

Deacon Barry said...

I'm not the one in the middle of it all, unlike yourself. Evangelical Christianity is very much a minority interest in Scotland - there's probably as many wiccans or followers of eastern religions. Unless you move in their circles, you never hear about them. Even the one I do work with doesn't proselytise. She's a nice girl, she believes what she believes, and I'm cool with that. Religion just doesn't come up in the conversation.
I'm afraid the last time I had a 'discussion' with an evangelical was about three years ago, when one came to the door. You probably get more exposure than I do

Steven Bently said...

Barry!!! It's a sickness over here! Religions and preaching is on every radio station and TV and in news papers every day and it is told as Pure Fact. To even question the Bible is strictly taboo.

G.W.Bush said atheists should not be allowed to vote or they are not Americans or some stupid shit!

G.W. Gets weekly advice from the fundy preachers over here.

Barry, you're one lucky guy, I think!!!

I despise religion and beliefs and preachers, they are all liars and crooks!!!

Deacon Barry said...

Wasn't Ted Haggard one of those giving weekly advice to GW?

Steven Bently said...

You got it my friend, news gets around, huh? It's ao sick over here, we have so people with license plates that say Jesus#1 or H. Bible, I'm4Gzus, IluvGzus, on and on it's damn right scarey how sick people are with religion over here. TC

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!
Big Butter Jesus, Destroyed!! In the twinkling of an eye....LOL

Divine Justice?

Divine Justice?
Jebus is in hell...!

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL
Ahh... that looks much better! Thank You!, Thank You!, Jeebus!..LOL