Their silly make-believe gods and saviors have abandoned them.
I awoke one night wondering why do so many Christians and Muslims get offended when an unbeliever makes a statement that is against or refutes their religious beliefs.
The answer is this, it's simply because their trustworthy Gods and saviors have abandoned them. Their Gods say to just ask or pray in their name, but nothing ever gets done by their empty promises. So now, by undue influence the faithful believers have made a public commitment and a public profession with their mouths, they cannot and will not openly admit that they have been totally snookered and bamboozled into joining a false belief.
Naturally this would make anyone furious when someone comes along and points out what an arrogant insidious arrogant fool they have been for believing in something that their ill-informed granny or their uncle or mommy or daddy have guaranteed to them upon a pledge of surety that they are following a true correct belief, that was invented by insane people over 2000 years ago.
Although we were all put here and born without our own consent, Christians are told that they are worthless human beings and sinners and deserve to be sent to hell, unless of course they receive the gift of salvation, ironically this does not keep them from committing further sins or crimes, it just promises to save them from the sins that they have already committed and from the sins they have yet to commit, this teaching is so way beyond insane.
They see all the glorious believers and churches all across America and wonder how can all this many people be wrong? In their minds, they think it would be an easier task to convert a few hand full of nonbelievers like me, rather than to investigate why over a million believers who swear that they have had a personal relationship with an invisible holy spirit, they think how could this many people have been fooled, if it weren't true? Although they would never take in the consideration that millions of Muslims also hold to their faith as being the one true religion, and without one shred of evidence on either side, except for words written in their holy books.
Yet in spite of and armed with absolutely no evidence of a holy spirit, god, jesus, angels, demons, miracles, virgin births, blessings, holy ghosts, witches, demons, evil spirits, speaking in tongues, talking snake, talking donkey, talking bushes, still a Christian insists in believing in this insane 2000 year old Biblical nonsense.
Christians should realize what kind of nonsense they are trying to defend and just how ignorant it makes them look to people who do not believe in their ancient bronze-age superstitious stupidity.