Thanks to the bible god

I'd like to take time to thank the bible god for coming down from heaven (the clouds above) and give us a virgin birth saviour, and only after 4000 years did he devise his brilliant holy plan, so whomever lived and died before the flying dead zombie jew was murdered they are all burning in hell right now. Thanks bible god! You must be so smart.

It pained Him to sacrifice HIS son? Wasn't HIS son actually HIM in the flesh? He sacrificed HIMSELF, to HIMSELF, to appease HIMSELF! For the (SINS) that HE HIMSELF created and allowed to exist in the first place! And, HE didn't stay dead!?! HE suffered for a few hours! And is now back with HIMSELF in HEAVEN, WOW! What amazing sacrifice that must have been! BUT if you do not believe that nonsense, you will go to HELL. What LOVE and COMPASSION? What ridiculous BS!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!
Big Butter Jesus, Destroyed!! In the twinkling of an eye....LOL

Divine Justice?

Divine Justice?
Jebus is in hell...!

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL
Ahh... that looks much better! Thank You!, Thank You!, Jeebus!..LOL