Hi everybody! It's me, your creator, I am not a God as defined in the man's fallacy book, you call the Bible.
A God has attributes and emotions that are similar to a human and can easily be described by mere human beings, I myself, cannot be described. What I am is way beyond what any human being could ever describe or even remotely imagine with their weak imbecilic mind.
I the creator, created the universe and it is still being created. All those books and scriptures written about me are just fallacy, men's imaginary portrayal and perception of what a God would be like had they themselves been a God. I do not need nor desire worship, nor prayer of any kind, nor do I condone or endorse anyone claiming that they are a special-called representative of me, it is just not true.
I began the creation as a element of time. Time is existence, you have come to this revolving planet a result from the passage of time, not by any special plan, nor by any preconceived notion of a god.
How you got here? By chance only, you just happen to a be a random sperm that survived. You are an animal, you are not a unique being. Humans were domesticated from monkeys just as dogs were domesticated from wolves and cats were domesticated from lions and horses from zebras and chickens and birds from ostriches, lizards from alligators, salamanders from fish.
Humans are just a little more mentally domesticated than monkeys, you want to think you are different because you can talk and wear clothes, but you are still an animal, you eat and defecate and fart just like all other animals, you breathe, sweat, and drink water just like all animals, you breed just like all other animals, your male sperm is white just like all other animals, you sleep just like all other animals, all animals arrive out of a female vagina, all humans have a smell just like animals.
In your efforts, you have tried to distinguish yourselves as being different from land animals by inventing your make believe gods, that take a special interest in just you humans alone, but human beings are not any different nor special above any other animal.
You humans are just animals, no more, no less, your human value is equal to animals, just watch the daily news, even most domesticated wild animals act more civilized than you humans do.
There is no end of time! There are ends of galaxies and planets and living creatures, but no end of time, it cannot be ended. Time is all there is, time is the major element in everything that exists. Every living creature and being is an element only for that particular window of time. Time itself only goes through once, after death, your time never arrives again. Time cannot repeat itself, ever!
I do not judge anyone, every person knows right from wrong, you are a part of me, I live through you, but after death, you will become a part of what I am, and no one knows what I am, but you will become a part of me after death. There is no reason to fear death, because I cannot be destroyed.
There is no Satan, there is no heaven or hell, these are the illusions written by ancient men's minds, created out of the fear of the unknown and death, trying to persuade other humans that they themselves were divinely special.
It would be silly of me to inspire my words to have been written in different confused languages by the very animal beings that I created, and for it to be left open for interpretation and decipher so that some may understand and some may not, it wouldn't be fair for every being.
There is only me and time, time is the flow of existence, and you function through me only by an element of time, you cannot understand and will not understand, so do not attempt to try.
Just live your life without man-induced fear and primitive doctrines and enjoy your window of time as you have randomly been given, life as you know it is all you get, until you come back to complete me after your demise. All things live through me, because I am time.
Your existence is just a result of what a massive passage of time will allow it's own self to create, and nothing more.