Main reasons why people believe in a god
1. Because they have been told a god exists by people whom they have trusted to tell them the truth.
2. Because they are afraid not to believe in a god.
3. Because of a book that was written in the pre-scientific age over 2000 years ago and claims there is a god.
4. Because society has wrongfully established the Bible as a book of absolute truth.
5. Because churches were already built and established as vessels of absolute undeniable truth before the majority of people were born in America.
6. Because the majority of people are too coward to stand up against unproven lies and myths.
7. Because Christianity offers the believer a false glorified title of superiority (christian, pastor, priest, etc.) above others that do not believe as they believe.
8. Because the Bible promises a reward for belief in a god.
9. Because the Bible threatens people with eternal punishment for non-belief.
10. Because the majority of people are cowards and have been taught not to question the Bible, the Koran and other so-called holy books.
11. Because people foolishly tend to believe that people who lived before them had more privilege to knowledge and wisdom than people living today.
12. Blind assumption - Death is mentioned in the Bible and we all die, so it must be true.