Cretin - God and Jesus - a man concocted false idealogy!


 Cretin = Christianity   Don't believe me?  Look it up yourself!

The biggest problem with any Christian is, they themselves cannot believe that so many millions of people could be so overwhelmingly psychologically bamboozled and mentally scammed by seeing such great religious leaders and the monetary support sent to them on such a massive scale.

Then they will say, "Well if it's not true I have lost nothing.", You've lost nothing but a life you could have had by not chasing the tail of an ancient superstitious myth.

God and Jesus are nothing more than a man-concocted false premise. To pretend and believe that  you're talking to or worshiping either one for some reason gives one a false sense of comfort. (Mainly because you have been raised to believe in such ignorant nonsense.)

That's all religion is, it gives a person a false sense of comfort. Christians like to imagine that if they should die immediately or Jesus or God were to come back while they are either praising them or praying to, or singing a song to them, that they would be viewed in the eyes of God or Jesus they imagine themselves that they would be immediately recognised as being worthy of their praise and be recognised as being pious and holy and deserving of a place promised to them in heaven.

Just think, if you're sitting in church or praying at the moment of death or a catastrophy should happen you've been ignorantly taught that you would e wisked off into the gates of heaven and yet you're stupid enough to believe such idiotic nonsense.

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!
Big Butter Jesus, Destroyed!! In the twinkling of an eye....LOL

Divine Justice?

Divine Justice?
Jebus is in hell...!

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL
Ahh... that looks much better! Thank You!, Thank You!, Jeebus!..LOL