The poisoned mind of a Christian

Who told you that the Bible was from a god???

Your mother, father,  grandma,  grandpa, uncle, aunt,   a preacher,  a neighbor,  a Christian,
a god?

The bible is religious propaganda, totally written by ignorant uneducated men, PERIOD!!!

If you claim to be a Christian, your mind has been poisoned by religious propaganda and you have been intentionally dumbed down. You are constantly being rewarded by believing in ancient ignorance and you condemn anyone else whom does not believe in the same ignorant nonsense as you, that also includes Islam and all other man made religions.

What religion provides

Religions, that is, provides a false comfort, a pseudo feeling of absolute security from all external man made, man created beliefs, beliefs that were created from out of total ignorance as a replacement for having to realize that humans on earth arrived here totally by the presence of a huge passage of time, just as the dinosaurs were formed here by the past presence of a huge passage of time.

The acceptance of religious beliefs provides a false comfort and takes you back in your thoughts as if you were first born, that is, the very first thing that you have memory of is the comfort of you suckling of your mothers breast milk, the comforting smells and the feeling her motherly warmth of her body touching you in the comfort of your home when nothing was even a remote threat to you nor even having the fear of sickness, pain, or death and the ever present feeling of overwhelming security, you have arrived in this world totally fearless and safe.

This feeling is the first thing you seek by having a belief in a God and the concept of a comforting heavenly refuge and an ever loving saviour whom will love you, and comfort you for all of eternity in the bosom of an eternal creator that has never been proven to exist, yet you would rather pretend that you are a participant of this false man made philosophy than admit that you have been totally wrong in your beliefs and admit that you are and have always been wrong!

Religious leaders have told you that you will return as a child and become totally helpless, this is the false security that you seek in religion. This is your proof that religion is true, because you age and become decrepit, but all animals and living things go through the same cycle, so by comparison religions must also pertain to all living things too.

You seek a gods' secure tit, you have been intentionally dumbed down by religion. You would rather believe in idiotic nonsense than admit you're a religious coward, living in a false fear from an unproven invisible god and saviour.

Religions were created by men whom could get an instant reprieve and totally forgiveness for all the wrongs and inhumane things that men have done to other humans all through history, men convenientely created their own God and saviour.

Christianity a false ideology

The number one mistake every person whom claims to be a christian and as all other religions as well, they immediately assume the Bible, Koran, etc. is the absolute pure unadulterated truth, their book of truth having been pre-filtered by the local community and pastor as the absolute authority on truth. By observing all their parents whom have put their full trust and grovel down in submission to the local preacher and other so-called religions authorities.

The unsuspecting person observes that since the church and the Bible has survived the test of time and having been already fully established before they arrived here on earth that they are joining a proven beyond a reasonable doubt established as god manufactured ideology solely for his much longed for and much desired worship.

Some examples below are:

By observing grandma and grandpa, uncles and aunts all professing to be christians and have fully read the Bible and examined all of the evidence that their neighbors and pastor has reassured them it's positively true.

Mother and Father are Christians and go to church regularly and never waver away from their christian beliefs.

Then there's the perception of acceptance as long as mother, father, relatives, neighbors, and the church community perceive you as participating member and goose stepping as all other christians do, you're in the click. In fact the more you can do for the community and stand out as an upstanding christian the more accepted by the church members you will be.

Besides going up against established religious beliefs, people will regard you as a problem child influenced by satan the invisible devil and you don't want people thinking negitively towards you, do you?

To be a christian, you must try to impress upon everyone that you meet that you are indeed a worthy christian, you must continually grovel down and relent to religious authorities and to their men inspired religious books filled with their invented invisble ghosts, saviors, demons, evil spirits, and their ignorant pious rules, otherwise you'll be ostrasised, shunned, and quickly be condemned to hell.

You want so much to be accepted by people around you, you want to be a part of what they claim to have, otherwise you'll feel useless and feel like you've been put on this earth for nothing for which we all have been, it just is, there is no reason for existing, if there was what is the reason for all the past lives for being here at one time?  There are no mentally rational answers!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!
Big Butter Jesus, Destroyed!! In the twinkling of an eye....LOL

Divine Justice?

Divine Justice?
Jebus is in hell...!

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL
Ahh... that looks much better! Thank You!, Thank You!, Jeebus!..LOL