I Love Jesus, and Jesus Loves Me

Saying those three words, I love Jesus, what do they mean?
It means you're using a character whom you've been told is very admirable, as a replacement or substitute for the love that you never received as a child by your father. If you do not believe it, examine your past life, how many times have you been told by your biological father that he loves you and has shown genuine affection towards you? Be truthful now, how many times as opposed to how many times your mother told you that she loves you and cares for you?

This lack of love and affection from the father is simply the main cause of religious fanaticism. Saying Jesus loves me or God loves me has absolutely no meaning, but it gives one a since of false hope that some day the love and affection that has been missing in your life from your own father will some day be fulfilled and received by the Heavenly Father as promised that was written by men over 2000 years ago in the Bible, and in some cases, if not all cases, the lack of love and affection shown to the wife from the husband, being that the husband replacing the father, people have been told that the belief in a mythological Jesus and God figure can and will someday fulfill that role of missing love and affection. This they vehemently pray.

To say, I love Jesus and Jesus loves me, gives one in their mind, a temporary placebo calming effect as to being loved by someone very important, but who better to be loved by than a figure out of the ancient book so futantly cherished by so many, called the Holy Bible.

Because we've been told and repeated the Bible stories by our parents and were told as they were pure fact, and were told the Biblical events really did happen, without a shred of proof, or evidence, we never asked for proof, we believed our parents or fully trusted whomever told the stories to us since early childhood, but surely our parents would not intentionally and willingly lie to us or mislead us, but they did! Not intentionally! But not knowing themselves that they were lied to also, by their parents.

This is the reason so many adults and Christians resent and reject being told and proven that their religion and Christian beliefs are wrong, it goes against childhood indoctrination and would also make their parents bold face liars, unfortunately this cause and effect is wide spread all across the world, why do you think there so much fighting and killing and war, especially in the middle-east and in homes and in families?

Religions and religious beliefs separate us as human beings on this planet. The Christians resent being shown that the Bible is false, so much that they put Atheists and non-believers in the same class as communists, which clearly shows how childish and how afraid they are to see their beliefs and the Great Holy Bible as being false, people would rather support a needless war and kill innocent people, than admit and see that a belief is just a placebo to comfort them from the fear that the lie they were told by their parents is just that, a flat out lie!

The Bible says "Thou Shalt Not Kill" what good is it, saying that?
Thou Shall Not Murder, but we do! As a Nation, as a Country! We support Israel, where do you think they get their weapons? We support a country that rejects the belief in Jesus and his teachings how frigging stupid is that? Apparently no one in the USA really believes in Jesus or what he supposedly taught either, just with their mouths, as he supposedly said they would.

The power of childhood indoctrination is so powerful that you can control huge masses of people, why else would so many young men and women be so willing to jump aboard a ship or plane and go to another country and fight and kill innocent people, and children, even if by accident, or even themselves, if they had not been indoctrinated at such an early age that they were fulfilling a great cause, The will of God and Jesus! And God will sort out the righteous and judge the aggressors, yeah right! NP!


Anonymous said...

You've mention so much about love... tell me then what is love?

Steven Bently said...

Love is---Not Hate!

Can you do that?

Have you ever not hated something or someone, then you felt love for them at that particular moment, but if they happen to say something that offends you, you may decide to hate them and wish they were dead, like perhaps you do me right now?

Love is a word that people use to say that they do not hate them at that particular moment. They may say during the marriage vows, Honey I love you, but 2 years down the road they may kill the other spouse in hate.

My impression of you would be that you hate truth, my truth, but you love to hear preachers truth, which is a total lie, because they will tell you how wonderful you are, and you bask in endearment terms, but I will not tell you how wonderful you are, because I really doubt that you are wonderful. I could be wrong and I hope that I am. I'm not saying I'm wonderful, but I'm not claiming to be either, as Christians like pretend that they are, are you one of them or are you honest as I and do not claim to be wonderful?

I'm claiming intellectual honesty, and I'm not pretending to be something that I am not.

Can you honestly say that?

Have you ever lived an honest second with yourself on this Earth since you've been born?

Do you live in a mental fantasy?

Do you live in a religious fantasy?

If you do not come back and answer my questions, I'll have my answer.

Anonymous said...

What utter bullshit. You are saying that if I say "Jesus loves me" that I am looking for love because someone special in my own life is failing to love me?? What utter bullshit again. You wax intellectual but you have absolutely no authority on which to base that other than your own insecurities. YOU don't love because you CAN'T.

Anonymous said...

PS ------> My father told me my entire growing up years how much he loved me and he showed it too. Same for my mother. You just can't accept that others might have had a happy, secure, confident childhood and STILL pick Christ and God. It doesn't connect with your intellectual, mocking dots.

Steven Bently said...

I so feel your christian love, you never answered my questions.

To say, I love Jesus and Jesus loves me, gives one in their mind, a temporary placebo calming effect as to being loved by someone very important, but who better to be loved by than a figure out of the ancient book so futantly cherished by so many, called the Holy Bible.

Because we've been told and repeated the Bible stories by our parents and were told as they were pure fact, and were told the Biblical events really did happen, without a shred of proof, or evidence, we never asked for proof, we believed our parents or fully trusted whomever told the stories to us since early childhood, but surely our parents would not intentionally and willingly lie to us or mislead us, but they did! Not intentionally! But not knowing themselves that they were lied to also, by their parents.

You're a sick individual! You need psychotic help, before you hurt someone or yourself.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm not the same "Anonymous" as the original commenter. But you wouldn't know that. My name is Marie by the way. Anyway, I think, based on all your comments regarding love and hate, that you must have been emotionally abused by someone close. Perhaps your father. You are probably the only one who feels lied to and misguided. Most people who haven't left the Christian faith yet, believe it to be true. You have left it so for you, it's a lie.

Anonymous said...

What part of my statement don't you get? I'm not a hater of people. I actually love people! I just get sick of people like you condemning people like me just because of my choice of morality. I go through this every day. It's true: if you have denied the Christian faith (God), then it IS all a lie for you. What is so unbelieveable about that? For me, who does NOT deny the Christian faith and believes it wholeheartedly, it is NOT a lie. I refuse to be engaged in a debate about whether I hate myself or not. I absolutely do not. I don't know why you think you can assume that just because I am a Christian. You are judging my entire being by saying that. How can you condemn me for the very same thing you do? You say we are un-loving but I don't see your "morality" helping you to do any better. If anything, it's worse.

Anonymous said...

By the way:
Tell me, Marie: would you do something that would send you to Hell in order to save someone else?
Um, NO. I CAN'T do anything that would send me to Hell. Loving or hating myself has nothing to do with condemnation of myself. It's God who condemned me which is why I needed a Savior. I don't NEED to condemn myself and I'm happy to be saved. Why does that bother non-Christians? I finally figured out that my brother, huge non-believer, just couldn't "rest" until he tried everything to get me to convert. It won't work. A true believer is steadfast in their faith and devotion and it just sticks in your craws. I also can't save anyone. I don't think you are talking about putting myself in front of a moving car to save someone's life scenario - what exactly is your point? Your comments ramble with no real point? Get to the point.

Steven Bently said...

Gosh you're right trancelation!!!

My rebuttle against xtianity is because I care about their mental well being and because you care too, but xtians see it as hatred, this shows plainly the power of self-allowed, induced indoctrination.

Listen marie, my sweet child, we are on a planet in the infinite vastness of space on a round ball of Earth so large to us, that it appears flat to us, the Sun is stationary and we revolve around it and the Sun appears to be the center of our universe.

What we perceive with our own eyes and our own ears is not always the truth, just as the Bible writers wrote on the presumption that what they were writing was also the truth to them.

Their perception is not what my and trancelations perceptions are, we have been through the religious cult and now see that it is totally false, because the Bible writers contributed everything unknown to them as being contributed to an invisible God, why did they not contribute everything to a visible God?

Because they knew they could not prove their visible god, but they knew an invisible god could not be challenged.

Therefore they claimed to be inspired by an invisible god, which could not be questioned nor challenged, they win always, no matter how much you want to believe, an invisible god cannot exist, only a visible god can exist, except the Bible god conveniently has never been seen by a living human being, ever!

Steven Bently said...

Thank you trancelation for that insightful explaination!

If Marie could just see that we went through the very same thing as her, if Marie could just see that she like us, were all born without any knowledge of a god or jesus, we were all born non-believers or no beliefs in any gods.

It's just a belief passed from human to human based enterely on speculation. TC

Steven Bently said...

Thanks trancelation!! Can't wait until you get your blog going :-)
TC, Ben

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!
Big Butter Jesus, Destroyed!! In the twinkling of an eye....LOL

Divine Justice?

Divine Justice?
Jebus is in hell...!

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL
Ahh... that looks much better! Thank You!, Thank You!, Jeebus!..LOL