Not One Word!!!
Not one word in the Bible can be proved to be true!!!
Not one sentence in the Bible can be proved to be true!!!
Not one paragraph in the Bible can be proved to be true!!!
Nothing written in the Bible can be proven to be true or to have been inspired from a god!!!!
Yet millions of people are afraid not to believe it, why???
Could it be, because daddy (god) will spank you????
1 comment:
Wow thanks trancelation you are so right on and you get it too! RNC that's a good term puts them in their it's such a great feeling knowing someone understands my position, you really make my days, Thanks again!
You mentioned unhealthy, ever noticed how solemn people's faces look the one's pretending to be a xtain? Even Jesus's pictures, he never has a smile, he aways has this concerned look, looks like he would smile since he's inheirited the kingdom of Take Billy Graham, looks mad and concerned for the rest of the world, must look mean and sad, yet he's guaranteed Heaven, or he likes to think he has, must look mean and sad....grrrrr! xtainity unhealthy!!!! so sad!!!
I was just thinking today, I'm not going to believe in the Bible just because I'm supposed to, I'm not going to believe in Jesus, just because I'm supposed to, look at how many people have put themselves into vicarious positions who would not have normally done so if they had not been told that Jesus is waiting for them after death. I'm talking about people who volunteer for the military, thinking that if they get killed, they become a war hero for Jesus, also news reporters, red cross volunteers, UN Peace Keepers, UN Inspectors, etc. missionaries, doctors, rescue workers, first responders, just imagine how many people volunteer for service, thinking that Jesus will reward them if they happen to get
Had they not took the tripe hook line and sinker, most of them would still be alive today leading a healthy and productive life.
Suckers for Jesus and Allah TC my friend!
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