The end to all the worlds problems, In just 6 seconds
If you can spare just 6 seconds out of your valuable time, I can give the answer to end all of the worlds problems. This idea could really work!!!
Just imagine!! No more wars, no more hatred, no more starvation, no more tears, no more suffering, imagine a planet living in peaceful bliss and harmony forever.
It was just so simple, how could I have over looked this, how come I never thought of this before? I will never know!
Here is the 6 second answer!!
Just invite Jesus into your HEART!! and all things troubling the world and you will finally be over, that's right my friend, the answer to all the worlds problems is by having invited Jesus into your heart...
Now lets examine that phrase "invite Jesus into your Heart" that must mean that a human heart has pockets to store invisible entities, like lets say, "invite God and Jesus into your Heart" this means there are at least 2 pouches of storage area compartments located somewhere in the human heart, maybe more, now lets say, "invite Allah and Mohammad, " there could be more than four hidden pouches to store hidden entities into your heart. Nonetheless the secret to all the worlds problems and suffering is soon to be over, by just taking my friendly spiritual advice.
Won't you invite an invisible make-believe entity into your heart today, before it's too late?
The real issue is that of faith which involves knowledge and is a work of the Holy Spirit done in the soul of man using the means of scripture. If you are interested in really understanding it I would be happy to explain.
Now this is funny, please explain to me how you or anyone else can have knowledge of an invisible Holy Spirit, that has never been seen and an invisible soul that has never been seen, yet you profess to claim some special knowledge of the thanks that was a million laughs!!!!
"Regarding placing Christ on the same level as Mohammad or Bhudda, remember their tombs are filled, Christ's is empty...."
This proves you never read my whole blog!!!
Why was the tomb empty? If Jesus's soul was the only thing needed to enter the kingdom of heaven, yet his physical body was missing????
Because he walked out, the tomb was opened by friends completing the hoax, Jesus went on to live in Japan and to father children.
Had only Jesus's soul only needed to rise, then the tomb needed not to have been opened, but it was opened, why for his soul, no, so he could walk and get the hell out of
Great point Lorena!
I wonder if when the Bible writers wrote that the tomb of Jesus was empty, if the Islamic and other believers went and dug up their leaders graves just to see if they were in
Of course, there’s one obvious reason why Jesus’s tomb would be empty: no Jesus to begin with...
"Why was the tomb empty? If Jesus's soul was the only thing needed to enter the kingdom of heaven, yet his physical body was missing????"
I encourage you to read the Bible for the first time....
Jesus rose bodily from the grave....if you went to Sunday School as a child you would have known, thanks for the million laughs!!
Ya please leave the scripture saying jesus' body rose to heaven, The bible teaches it is the spirit that will be with a god in the skys. Jesus' body was gone because he walked out.
Boy, you really talk like you think you know something Biblical,...but, your always wrong....sad....
"And He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39"See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have." (Luke 24:38-39).
Jesus was raise in the flesh, and exists as man in Heaven right now...
1 Timothy 2:"For there is one mediator between God and man....THE MAN Christ Jesus."
1 Timothy was written approx. 64 A.D. about 30 years after the death and resurrection of Christ and STILL calls Him a "MAN".
Now, show where Jesus is risen as a spirit only.....
1 Timothy was written approx. 64 A.D. about 30 years after the death and resurrection of Christ and STILL calls Him a "MAN".
64 A.D. about 30 years after this person is dead???? come on dude, wake up???
Calls him a "Man" so what? Did he really mean "Girl"?
God being of spirit, yet Jesus supposedly rose as a whole human into the clouds to be with the god spirit, so you think Jesus is in the clouds above...ha ha if not then he's in outer space, then how did he get in outer space without a space suit? I think you screwed up dude...ha ha
Too many poor comebacks, attempt to cover up you ignorance of this topic with jokes....and everyone sees it...
This is just another topic in which you have documentation.
I gave you Scripture to back His bodily Resurrection.....You gave nothing, as I knew you would.
Ill continue to give you a Biblical beating.
64 A.D. about 30 years after this person is dead???? come on dude, wake up???
No, after His Bodily Resurrection, that I just gave you proof for...
"Calls him a "Man" so what? Did he really mean "Girl"?"
No, Timothy really meant "flesh".
because Jesus rose in bodily form.
"then how did he get in outer space without a space suit?"
God created i need to say more?....did you graduate High School?
Please Steven, participate with some form of evidence for once...
God created space....
Just because you say a God created space that's your proof?
Just because a book says a god creaded space, that's your proof??
Just to prove you're wrong about your flying god-man jesus, even if jesus' body rose to the clouds the air is so thin he would need oxygen to breathe, but if he went into outer space he would be burn up by cosmic rays and die instantly from no oxygen, this is a fact, did you attend any school in ever? Sounds like you uneducated like the bible writers, oh yeah, you think they were smart, ok I see were you get your ignorance from.
"Just because you say a God created space that's your proof?"
No, not just because I say it...because of the complexity of life. The make up of life is intricate and complex and requires a designer.
"if jesus' body rose to the clouds the air is so thin he would need oxygen to breathe"
Honestly have you ever read the Gospel?? Have you?...I really believe you never have....
The Bible describes Jesus arose in a glorified flesh body and was again able to do incredible things. ..
The problem is you try to limit God to the Laws of Science, when He is the creator of them...Can these laws really limit Him?
Him? of course your make believe god would be a him.
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