The Original Sin, Created By God Himself!
The original is when God whom created all things, also created and allowed an Evil Being to exist, long before Adam and Eve ever existed, this god knew all along what he was dealing with and just what he had created. ref: Isaiah 47:7. If God is in full control, then it would have been such a small task to expel and dispose of this evil being.
I'm an athiest, so I don't believe in any gods. But speaking hypothetically, God could be omnipotent, but bound by rules that She imposed. The universe could be a cosmic game, that God is playing to amuse herself, just like we play computer games. God may have the power to break the rules, being omnipotent, but it's more fun to play by the rules. God has to allow evil, because that's part of the rules. If God creates a universe where there is no evil, then nothing happens, because there is no struggle.
Yeah I see, God made the rules of good and evil, otherwise the universe would remain still.
Now that made sense! Thanks, deacon barry
Hello Bentley,
Listen to Deacon Barry, he's hit the nail on the head!
Analyzing the Creator Debate
Did you ever consider that atheism arose because certain people saw that religious characterizations about the nature of an omnipotent "God" were seriously flawed and then concluded that religion and the Creator were the same things? This is the exact same conclusion at the base of religious beliefs; namely that the Creator and religion are inseparable. Consequently, both atheists and religious followers are arguing over a flawed assumption without considering that other possibilities negate the common core conclusion of both groups. These arguments are actually over religion and whether it represents a reliable model of reality. The answer to that question is of course not. Religion is not only flawed, it is purposely deceptive! Though atheists are certainly sincere in their conclusions, the fact remains that they and religious followers are locked in a debate that cannot be won by either side because both base their positions upon whether the same flawed premise is the truth. In order for this debate to conclude with a truthful answer, a greater level of discernment is required.
One apt clarifying question is, if someone tells lies about you, does that negate you or make you a liar or a lie? Certainly, the image cast about you would be a false one, but that is their image, not the real you. Consequently, faulty religious assertions about the Creator of this universe do not negate the existence of a Creator. Considering the possibility that this universe is not by chance leaves the door open to how it arose, which leads us to seek what could have created and maintained it. Since neither religion nor science has yet adequately answered that question, it is safe to conclude that those who argue about the Creator based on either are most certainly wrong on one or more aspects. Thereby, another point of view and additional knowledge are required.
Yeah I agree, my posts are mostly directly toward fundies that may happen upon this blog.
All comments are welcome tho! Thanks!
You believe in God!
I hope you know this is blasphemy!!! The sin that God really HATES! The worse sin of ALL. Think about all the people you're brainwashing, you could cost someone their salvation. Use your talents that God gave you for God and for GOOD. You should be trying to turn others towards him not against him!!
No, I do not believe in any god that is described or written about by human beings!
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