The 'Sun' of this solar system is our real true god

The Sun created all life on the Earth.

Without the Sun, all living things would soon die.

How the Sun got here and actually works is unknowable to human beings, thus man presumes a "God" must have created it and us, because humans, (primitive thinking humans) think a "God" has special invisible powers and naturally it would want to be thanked with prayer and animal sacrifices, reverence with emotional needs and a need to be worshipped, to let it know that we are thankful and the last thing we would want to do is make this invisible all powerful God unhappy with us, so we set aside one day a week, the day is Sunday (how coincidental), to honor this invisible Deity, so we can march off to church each week will keep him happy.

Can you see how primitive thinking created all religions and Gods? If you are a fundy, you cannot see past your book of lies written by ignorant drunken doped-up sheep herders.

Life serves no purpose!

Death serves no purpose!

The Sun controls all weather here on Earth, like tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, etc. Not a god or evil demons.

Get over it!


Steven Bently said...

From now on any comments that do not address the topic that I write on my blog, will be eliminated.

And if anyone would care to notice, I have not used the word (evolution) anywhere on my blog, so get over it.

I do not believe in evolution!

I do not believe in a bible god.

I do not have a belief in anything.

Life has no purpose!

Death has no purpose!

Get over it!

Learn to live in reality!

All beliefs are from indoctrination created from emotional fear of the unknown.

Steven Bently said...


How long do you think life would exist on Earth without our Sun?

How long do you think life on Earth would exist without Solar energy?

Steven Bently said...

No one knows, and certainly not the people that wrote the bible over 2000 years ago, including you too JB.

The people that wrote the bible thought that the Earth was the center of the universe and that diseases were caused by demons and evil spirits.




Steven Bently said...

Listen my dear friend, I have that answer for you! Here it is:

Nobody Knows!! No one PERIOD! No one on this plant knows that is, and certainly people whom lived 2000 ago never knew, they had no reason to know.

Listen it sounds like you comming around to your senses, your common senses.

The people that lived 2000 years ago never knew that there were other galaxies out there similar to our own.

The telescope was not invented until the 1600's and it was even forbidden to discuss other life elsewhere, science was forbidden, because it was viewed as from the devil.

Listen all they had to go by 2000 years ago was, ancient stories and myths handed down from generation to generation, people have a tendecy to presume that people that lived before them knew more than people living today. It's just not true.

You're asking the right questions and I'm going to re-post an article for you (if I can that is) would you please read it and you'll say it's just conjecture and my opinion, it may be, but what I wrote is "THE TRUTH"

The bible does not represent truth, what you and I know to be a fact is what is true.

What people believe, what millions of people believe is not always the truth.

Steven Bently said...

I have read the bible, that is where I get my ideas. I use what is wrote in the bible to prove that it is not the works from a God, it's the works from ignorance. People were ignorant 2000 years ago, they had no formal education, they were guessing about what they wrote. I'm not guessing about what I write.

Steven Bently said...

Notice...previous deluted and ignorant off topic comments were deleted.

Deacon Barry said...

Emperor Constantine, who convened the Council of Nicaea in 326AD to fix once and for all the dogma of the state religion, actually worshipped the sun in the form of Sol Invictis. The bishops, trying to keep him happy, accepted his version and amalgamated it with their version. Basically, God is the sun, and all christians are sun worshippers.

Deacon Barry said...

Going further back, the heretic pharoah Akhenaten instituted worship of the Aten, the sun disk. This is the deity that Moses and the hebrews worshipped as Adonai.

Corey Bishop said...

*Notice: All the complete and correct comments that made sense were deleted. The retarded ones are still here!

Anonymous said...

What a sad blog....the only defense Steven has is to erase all the resistance that confronts him...Go Steven! you can't look any worse....

Anonymous said...

"From now on any comments that do not address the topic that I write on my blog, will be eliminated."

And even the one that do address the topics will be deleted....

Hows that Biblical beating feel?

Anonymous said...

"you cannot see past your book of lies written by ignorant drunken doped-up sheep herders."

Ive asked you 100 times to give me evidence that these people were doped up.....Now please, I'll give you one more chance!

Corey Bishop said...

I agree jaybird. Any proof Steven? You can't tell us what it was like when we have the book of truth. It gives us strength, knowledge, and wisdom. We know what's right! That's why we're being persistent!

Steven Bently said...

You want proof? Just read the bible and you will soon see that it could have only been written by people completely doped out of thier minds.

What you two completely insist in ignoring is, that the people whom lived 2000 years ago, had no formal education, they had no knowledge of anything outside of the earth, they wrote from what they perceived as true.

They thought that the earth was the only planet to exist, they thought that a god and jesus lived in the clouds above, they thought that diseases were caused by demons and evil spirits.

We now know (from the invention of the microscope) that diseases are caused by bacteria, germs and viruses, they believed that they could pray to a god and he would remove their diseases.

Next time you or someone that you know gets deathly ill, just pray to your god and do not go to a doctor and see if they get better.

The same ignorant people did not know that other galaxies similar to our own existed.

We now know that other galaxies (0ver 125 billion) with a great posibility of other humans also exist. Just knowing that there is a possibility of other humans exist proves that the Jesus salvation plan is totally man made.

They also thought that the heart was the center of all thought and emotion, we know know it is the brain that is the center of all thought and emotion.

Jesus also supposedly said that a Christian could handle poisonous snakes and drink any poison.

So you want proof that it is true what Jesus said, just drink a poison or get snake bit and see if you live, but you two will not because, you two do not have enough FAITH.

If you do not try this, then you are just hypocrites, you speak with your mouths and your heart is not with him.

Oh ye hypocrites, with such little faith.

Corey Bishop said...

"Next time you or someone that you know gets deathly ill, just pray to your god and do not go to a doctor and see if they get better."

That's up to God. God can up to you now and and decide he doesn't want you to live anymore. Your done.

"So you want proof that it is true what Jesus said, just drink a poison or get snake bit and see if you live, but you two will not because, you two do not have enough FAITH."

Well duh your gonna die if you do it! God won't just block everything because the Devil has messed with it too! Your right we don't have faith. We come here for no reason!

"You want proof? Just read the bible and you will soon see that it could have only been written by people completely doped out of thier minds."

Did you document that? OK, no you didn't! Plus it was written later than that. Try around the 1700's!

Corey Bishop said...

I want proof! I've got my proof all in one book! Where's yours at? Inside your head doesn't count!

Deacon Barry said...

Actually, it was the 1600's. And rumour has it that William Shakespeare was a consultant on the project, hence the appearance of his name in the 46th psalm

Corey Bishop said...

Late 1600's is around 1700's.

Steven Bently said...

So the bible wasn't written until around 1700's and all those billons of dead people who never got to read the bible are in hell right now, oh how I weep for their lost souls. Yeah same Bullshit as usual!

Deacon Barry said...

It wasn't late 1600's, but 1611, at the beginning of the century, during the reign of King James I (and VI of Scotland)who commissioned the project.

Anonymous said...

I have already trashed all of Steven's weak argument...I don't know why i even respond because everything i have written so far Steven has deleted anyway....

The Bible was written Entirly before the end of the first century....Yes! Historic Fact...

Compiled by approx. 325 A.D. in the Original Language...there are ever over 40,000 copies of the original NT manuscripts, to back this up....Far Far more than any historical writings....More Historic Facts!

Deacon Barry said...

The Old Testament was collated during the exile in Babylon. And the New Testament was certainly all written by 120AD, which is the date accepted for the Gospel of John. The Council of Nicaea, in 325AD selected which gospels were to be included in the bible, and tried to make sure that copies of the other gospels were destroyed. The King James Version of 1611 is the translation considered by many christians to be the final, definitive word of God

Steven Bently said...

Like I said, just look at all those lost souls burning in Hell while the Counsel and King James were trying figure out which version of the bible is the true version, this would also include the Chinese, Eskimo's Native American Indians, Polynesians, South Americans, Russians, etc.

I guess this information is way over your head for you to understand.

Steven Bently said...

Back on topic!

(Our)The celestral Sun is responcible for all life to exist on the Earth!

With out the Sun there would be no life.

All life on this Earth is from a direct result from the existance of the Sun and it's rays.

This can be proved 100%

Without the Sun, all life on Earth would soon end.

This can be proved 100%

Life began as a direct result of the Sun.

The Sun is in control of all life on this Earth.

The Sun is this Earth's ruler, we are nothing without the Sun.

This a fact, a 100% true fact!

Corey Bishop said...

Steven, you have to delete your comment because it was off topic!

Life wouldn't end if God didn't want it too!

God made the sun, hence, all life came through him!

God is the earth's ruler.

We are nothing without God.


Steven, you don't know what it's like without the sun, you've never seen it, neither have I. Also, since there's no sun at night, do we die? NO!

Anonymous said...

"Without the Sun, all life on Earth would soon end."

Ok Steven, amazing!.....Let me continue for you

Without Water, all life on Earth would soon end.

Without Oxygen, all life on Earth would soon end.

Without Soil, all life on Earth would soon end.

Without Carbon, all life on Earth would soon end.

God keeps all life sustaining elements in a delicate balance

Where did the Sun originally get its energy.....God.

Steven Bently said...

Where's your proof?

In a book written by humans???

Steven Bently said...

What I am stating is obvious truth.

Your evidence needs faith!

Steven Bently said...

Funny how you cannot see past your book of man-made lies.

Without the Sun, the water would be frozen, there would be no oxygen.

The Sun is the creator of all life on this planet, not a god that was written about in a book 2000 years ago.

Steven Bently said...

The Sun controls all weather on earth, like tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, etc. not a god or evil demons.

Steven Bently said...

Without the Sun, all living things would soon die.

Without a god, all living things still continue to live.

No one thing can live without the Sun, but things continue to live without a god.

Corey Bishop said...

but things continue to live without a god.

So untrue it isn't funny!

Anonymous said...

"Where's your proof?
In a book written by humans???"

Steven, this is exactly where you get all of your own info. from...isn't it ironic?

"What I am stating is obvious truth.Your evidence needs faith!"

So does your sad theory...

Even if the Sun continued to shine....

Without Water, all life on Earth would soon end.

Without Oxygen, all life on Earth would soon end.

Without Soil, all life on Earth would soon end.

If one of these are absent it would end. This is scientific fact....However, God controls each of them.

Deacon Barry said...

In 5 billion years time, the sun will have converted all its hydrogen to helium, and will die, but not before it has burned the Earth to a cinder. But that's only if it's not swallowed by the black holes at the centres of the colliding Milky Way and Andromedea galaxies.
God did not create the sun. We know this, because new suns are forming right now according to well known laws of physics, and God has not shown up on any photographs. If she is not creating suns today, it is unlikely she created suns in the past. Suns occur when large clouds of hydrogen collapse due to gravity. The mass of this cloud determines whether a long-lived red dwarf, a short-lived blue giant or, as in the case of our sun, a yellow dwarf lasting 10 billion years is produced.
Hydrogen + Gravity = Star formation. No gods necessary.

Corey Bishop said...

"God has not shown up on any photographs." No man shall see him and live.

God controls it all

Anonymous said...

"Hydrogen + Gravity = Star formation. No gods necessary."

Good theory....But where did the Hydrogen originate? What causes the force of Gravity?

"God did not create the sun. We know this, because new suns are forming right now according to well known laws of physics, and God has not shown up on any photographs."

New growth forms on the earth everyday, and God is not photographed there either...this does not mean that God does not create them...God is immaterial, and cannot revealed unless He allows Himself to be....yea, He's smarter than man.

" a yellow dwarf lasting 10 billion years is produced."

extreme guesstimation...evolutionary theory. there is more to prove this wrong than correct...

Steven Bently said...

The nearest galaxie, Andromedia, is 4.5 million light years away.

How do you know for sure that a God created the universe, did you or anyone see this God create the universe?

Deacon Barry said...

Hydrogen was formed at the start of the universe 13.7 billion years ago. Gravity is a property of matter. It is the weakest of the four fundamental forces, but it is cumulative in its effect, so that an object with a mass of billions of tonnes (such as the Earth) has the power to attract objects to itself. However, even the force of a small magnet can counteract the force of gravity.
The lifespan of the sun is easily calculated. It depends on the mass of the sun and the rate at which the hydrogen is being converted to helium. It's the same calculation you use to work out how far you can drive before you need to fill up with gas. If you have a full tank of petrol, and you know how quickly the engine uses it, you can work out how many miles your car will travel. With an object the size of the sun, it takes 10 billion years to use up its fuel. There's no evolutionary theory involved, only simple physics. Evolution only applies to living organisms.

Steven Bently said...

Thank you Barry for those informative and scientifically proven facts.

Corey Bishop said...

Too bad it didn't prove any points! Evolution applies to NOTHING!

lifespan of the sun=God's decision

Deacon Barry said...

Lifespan of the sun is determined by physics. God doesn't get a say in it. Evolution is everything in biology. Without it, there's nothing.

Corey Bishop said...

Barry, all life came from something. Not a monkey! It came from God. In the bible, it says, God created light (sun) and he saw it was good. The Bible is 100% true. It is the basis of all life.

Anonymous said...

"The lifespan of the sun is easily calculated."

Yes it is, Actually the Sun continues to lose energy and is shrinking...if the universe is truly 4 or 5 Billion years old. Then if we add the energy that the Sun has consistantly lost back to the Sun we can see that the size and energy of the Sun makes it impossible for the Earth to exist at all.....This is why your theory fail...this and the unreliable dating methods still used by evolutionists.

"Evolution is everything in biology. Without it, there's nothing."

Even Steven would disagree with this because he stated earlier that he does not believe in Evolution.

Since there is Creation there must be a Creator.

Steven Bently said...

That's right, I do not currently believe in evolution, that does not mean that I do not beleieve there exists other life forms on other planets, outside our solar system.

I also think it would be foolish not to think that after NASA finding over 125 billion galaxies similar to our own, that other humans or animals exists, I believe that billions of other forms of life exist outside of our solar system.

You have to consider that the people whom wrote the bible had no knowledge outside of this earth, they wrote from what they thought and dreamed and visioned the earth at face value, no scientific knowledge, in fact scientific knowledge was scorned as being from invisible demons, just like you would prefer to believe in demons and evils spirits, you would prefer to worship the words penned in a book by very ignorant men that lived over 2000 years ago.

Why would you prefer to believe something that was written over 2000 years ago without a single shread of proof of anything that they wrote as being true.

You are required to have faith that it's true, knowing full well that non of that garbage wrote in the bible could possibly be true.

Anytime you are required to have faith to believe something, it means you must go outside of your own intellectual honesty in order to make oneself believe something that you know deep down inside it could not possibly be true.

To have faith, means you must lie to yourself in order to believe.

Yet Jesus suppossedly said that if you had as much faith as a mustard seed you could move a mountain.

I say if you had as much faith as a mustard seed you could move a mustard seed. I've never seen this done, but I'll bet you have.

Anonymous said...

"I also think it would be foolish not to think that after NASA finding over 125 billion galaxies similar to our own, that other humans or animals exists, I believe that billions of other forms of life exist outside of our solar system."

This takes FAITH doesn't it Steven? Because you have never seen one of these life forms, and you cannot prove it. This is a horrible contridiction of yourself...aren't you embarrassed after making all those statements about faith being silly and ignorant?

"Why would you prefer to believe something that was written over 2000 years ago without a single shread of proof of anything that they wrote as being true."

Again, you refuse to include the Massive amounts of Archaeological and Historic evidence....You have to ignore this information to continue in your bizzare theory.

No serious historian today, Christian or not, would deny that a man named Jesus walked the earth, and had a Large following. Facts like this you choose to ignore....because you have to...

You don't believe in Evolution, so you yourself reject all of this great scientific info. modern man has discovered also. your brilliant

Corey Bishop said...

Evolution is such a lie! Like Jaybird said, Creation needs a Creator. Survival of the fit does apply here. Our theory of God and Jesus is Fit, and unlike the atheistic theory, it's not fit.

Steven Bently said...

It's obvious that you two do not even read your own comments, otherwise you would have deleted them.

Corey Bishop said...

It's obvious you have no clue. I will pray for you, like I always have

Anonymous said...

Great come back Steven....And I save the Deletions for you, your good at it.....

Steven Bently said...

"I will pray for you, like I always have"

I''ll sacrifice a goat for you!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!
Big Butter Jesus, Destroyed!! In the twinkling of an eye....LOL

Divine Justice?

Divine Justice?
Jebus is in hell...!

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL
Ahh... that looks much better! Thank You!, Thank You!, Jeebus!..LOL