Humans are just stupid land animals

There is no difference between humans and animals

A Comparison of humans to animals:

Humans and Animals
Eat meats and vegetables
Communicate between themselves
Defecate and fart and piss
Are stubborn
Have fear
Have sex, reproduce

There's no difference between humans and animals except humans are more aggressive and plot and make wars against their own species abd others that do not think and believe the same religious nonsense as them.

and Jesus said;

And it therefore goes to show that: Humans are much more less intelligent than land animals. amen.

The Bible trys to prove that humans are not just land animals and have a greater purpose, but it does not succeed, it fails.

Humans purchase and consume more bananas per-capitia than their predecessors the monkey.

Humans are totally worthless creatures, they contribute nothing to the betterment of this Earth, this is the only planet we have, and it's being destroyed by who? Monkeys? Lions? Bears?

answer: Humans!!


Anonymous said...

"The Bible trys to prove that humans are not animals and have a greator purpose, but it does not succeed it fails."

Okay, How does it fail? Go ahead and explain some Scripture....I'd sure like to hear you explain your case...

Steven Bently said...

Explain scripture?? Written by humans??

You do not need scripure to see that humans are almost next to destroying this planet?

Isn't it obvious to you that people are a detriment to this planet? What fury animal has started any war?

What fury animal has crucified another animal??

Why do you continue to refuse to read what I write? What are you afraid of? That I am right and you and your bible are wrong

What one human being has contributed anything worth while to this planet?

I know, you'll say Jesus, Jesus nor a god, never wrote one word of the bible, it was written by doped-up rag-head gypsies.

If god's son can save souls, imagine what six million tortured and killed of gods chosen people can do, absolutely nothing!

People are useless animals, pretending they're not useless.

Just like you are pretending you are above others that do not have the same belief as you, it's total nonsense that you've been taught to believe by other self-righteous animals.

Anonymous said...

Hey, we don't patronize. If we we're doing that, what reason would we have for coming to your site? We're not wrong, for we have the word and wisdom. If Jesus never said one word, nor wrote it, how come his words are written in red?

Steven Bently said...

Ok I'll change my words to red, and this will be the words of "Wisdom"

Anonymous said...

You don't get it. Jesus is real. And if you once were truly saved, you'll still go to heaven, and be with Jesus and God, but you'll have to give an account for all your sins, same for me. But unlike you, I believe in God, and ask him to forgive me of Sin.

Anonymous said...

"Isn't it obvious to you that people are a detriment to this planet?"

Sure, this is the results of sin. Sin affects everything, and everyone.

"Why do you continue to refuse to read what I write? What are you afraid of? That I am right and you and your bible are wrong"

Because what you write is only opinions. You give no evidence for the hatred you spew. You claim that the Bible is so wrong, but don't listen to understand it, nor want to understand it.

"it was written by doped-up rag-head gypsies."

Another opinion you don't know how to prove...can you document this??

"Just like you are pretending you are above others that do not have the same belief as you"

I don't believe im above anyone, you are free to believe what you like....your choice.

"it's total nonsense that you've been taught to believe by other self-righteous animals."

And I believe that what you have been taught is also nonsense...

Anonymous said...


Steven Bently said...

I wasn't taught nonsense like you two were, I only write what I know is true, not what I believe is true.

Apeman there brother!!!

Steven Bently said...

You worship the words of men, written by men. A god nor a jesus signed their names anywhere in the bible.

Anonymous said...

Who said they had to sign it? It can still be inspirationable!

Steven Bently said...

Nobody in their right mind would sign their names to that pile of garbage.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not to you, but the book of life is THE TRUTH!!!

Steven Bently said...

The book of life, are you kidding, it's all about death, millions of people killed, including your fake jesus.

Cousin Ricky said...

"I said in my heart with regard to human beings that God is testing them to show that they are but animals. For the fate of humans and the fate of animals is the same; as one dies, so dies the other. They all have the same breath, and humans have no advantage over the animals; for all is vanity."
--Ecclesiastes 3:18-19


Anonymous said...

Ricky, maybe it says that in your bible, but not in mine!

Cousin Ricky said...

Let me guess... NIV?

NIV (also NLT and NWT) are notorious for being translated to say what the translators wanted them to say.

KJV: "...they themselves are beasts."
NASB: "'...they are but beasts.'"
NRSV: "...they are but animals."
NWT: "...they themselves are beasts."
RSV: "...they are but beasts."
YLT: "...they themselves [are] beasts."


D-R: "...shew them to be like beasts."
NAB: "...they are in themselves like beasts."
NIV: "...they are like the animals."
NLT: "...they are like animals."

Obviously some linguistic revisionism going on somewhere there.

But one shouldn't need a Bible for this; it's as obvious as the nose on your face. We're animals. What else could we be? Plants? Rocks? Fungi?

Anonymous said...

No. KJV. KJV is the authorized version. The one God wanted us to read, because that's the one he inspired. What version do you read? AV? Different words have different meanings.

Cousin Ricky said...

How do you know? Someone else says the New World Translation is correct. Yet someone else says that both of y'all are full of it, and the Koran is the correct one.

The KJV has been edited several times since 1611. Which edition is the inspired one? The original manuscripts (which have all been lost) were in Greek and Hebrew. How is it that a 17th century English version is inspired? In the KJV, Isaiah 7:14 reads "The virgin will be with child..."; but the original Hebrew means "the young woman is with child..." If the KJV is inspired, does that mean that the original Hebrew is wrong?

Or does it really matter which version of which imaginary myth is "inspired"?

P.S. Isn't the AV the same as the KJV?

Anonymous said...

No. The KJV is the inspired word because God said so. And by golly, if God says so, it's correct! Its the one that King James wrote by inspiration of God. Different words, have different meanings.

Cousin Ricky said...

Uh, King James didn't write it. He commissioned it. (How is it that the people who thump the Bible the hardest know the least about it?) And (to repeat my question, which you merely rephrased instead of answered) how do you know that God said so?

Anonymous said...

Because the KJV says so,

Cousin Ricky said...

Y'know, you're looking a lot like an atheist plant. :-p Wouldn't be the first time i've fallen for Poe's Law.

Anonymous said...

No. I'm a Christian. Staying that way, because it's the truth!

Cousin Ricky said...


I don't know what to say...

Anonymous said...

That's ok. It's the truth. Tough to handle, but it's 100% true.

Steven Bently said...

To you perhaps, a book penned over 2000 years ago by the very wicked people that a god supposedly said that he regretted making Gen. 6:6

Anonymous said...

He wasn't mad he made the bible. He was mad man had sinned, and had disobeyed him. He never wanted this in the world. He wanted peace, no sin. What bible do you read?

Cousin Ricky said...

A Bible wherein a jealous, capricious, ill-tempered, bipolar bully named YHWH murders or orders the murders of more than 2 million people, yet calls Himself "merciful" and "slow to anger." Is there any other?

And don't bother theodicizing your way out of it. The text says what it says. Would the Almighty stoop to having His minions make excuses for Him?

Cousin Ricky said...

Steven Bently wrote: "The Bible trys to prove that humans are not just land animals and have a greater purpose, but it does not succeed, it fails." [emphasis added]

JayBird's Joint misquoted: "'The Bible trys to prove that humans are not animals and have a greator purpose, but it does not succeed it fails.'"

Jay, you realize that this changes the meaning of the sentence? Where did you fundies learn to read? (I've seen fundies misquote like this over and over and over again.) I don't know of anywhere in the Bible that says that humans are not animals. If you know of a place, please share; otherwise, you have put words not only in Steven's mouth, but in God's.

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!
Big Butter Jesus, Destroyed!! In the twinkling of an eye....LOL

Divine Justice?

Divine Justice?
Jebus is in hell...!

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL
Ahh... that looks much better! Thank You!, Thank You!, Jeebus!..LOL