Americia was founded and built upon Christian Principles

That being:

As long as you want to believe there exists an all purpose invisible savior waiting 24/7 to forgive you, you can commit any crime, or biblical listed sin, rape, pillage, maim, destroy, molest, steal, lie. cheat, murder, invade and conquer other peoples lands and get immediate forgiveness for past, present or future crimes or biblical listed sins.

A self-professing Christian can, 'DO NO WRONG!'

How can they, when they have their invisible personal forgiver waiting 24/7 just waiting to forgive them?

Christians will quickly defend the bible, because American people have all been taught (lied to) through indoctrination to defend the bible, but without having ever read the Qu'ran, they will quickly scoff and refute the Qu'ran.

This country was founded upon complete ignorance and stupidity. That is one reason we have no leaders with any common sense at all.

The Christians have a frequent saying that they just love to repeat, "What comes around, goes around." Maybe that''s why so many Christians get cancer from smoking tobacco that the Indians introduced, remember the Human Beings, (the savage infidels) that the christians stole their land and murdered most all of the them, the original owners of this land?

No, I guess you and the rest of you bigoted self-righteous christians have conveniently forgot.


Anonymous said...

Angry again huh? Anyway....

So, Steven you keep avoiding this question.....Why did you delete all those previous posts?

Deacon Barry said...

Unlike America, the UK is a christian nation, with a state religion that is rapidly becoming an irrelevence in our society. Religious Education is a compulsory subject in the school curriculum, and each school day has to begin with an act of worship. Sounds like a fundy's wet dream doesn't it? Only trouble is, the law is completely ignored, and nobody gives a damn. When I was at school, we had an assembly once a week, and there was no religion present at all. We did have RE for one half hour per week, and that was a bit of a skive subject.
Congregations in Britain are declining, as they get older and die off, with fewer and fewer younger people replacing them.
That's the reality of theocracy, it dries up religion like weedkiller on dandelions.

Corey Bishop said...

Well two things,

1. If it's so dumb, how come your living in it?

2. If it's about "Christianity" not working in America, how come we are still free, and not taken over yet? Because of Prayers and God's protection!

Steven Bently said...

This is a new thread, your comment id the first one, oh yeah, thanks for ignoring the subject BTW, as usual.

Steven Bently said...

To Corey, huh? The same reason you're in America, my father inseminated my mother in the USA...duh

To deacon, we have preachers over here and self-professing xtians that constantly make the headlines as far as molesting little children, boys and girls, rape, embezzelment, even murder and the fundies just ignore all this crime for the sake of their silly ignorant beliefs...go figure eh?

Corey Bishop said...

You know what, this nation was founded on God, and freedom. If you don't like it, there's always Iraq.

Deacon Barry said...

Corey, Steven is American like yourself. Why should he have to leave if he doesn't like the majority religion? It's supposed to be the land of the free, and that surely means the freedom to practice any religion you want, such as Wicca, Buddhism, Scientology, Odinism, Satanism, Taoism and John Frum. You can also be Humanist, Agnostic or Athiest. That's what freedom means.
It's also the freedom to engage with people whose beliefs are opposed to yours, as Steven does by means of this blog, and you do by commenting on it.
Anyway, Iraq is hardly a hotbed of athieism, all he'd find there are Sunni muslims, Shia muslims and evangelical christian US soldiers. He'd be far better coming over to Scotland where christians are conspicuous by their invisibility.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry i must push this question. I know it is humiliating
for you....

Why did you delete all those previous posts?

Anonymous said...

"we have preachers over here and self-professing xtians that constantly make the headlines as far as molesting little children, boys and girls, rape, embezzelment, even murder and the fundies just ignore all this crime for the sake of their silly ignorant beliefs...go figure eh?"

All of these crimes are committed Far, Far greater by those with NO belief in God.....Yes, this speaks volumes... but not to the atheist.

Anonymous said...

Corey said,
"If it's about "Christianity" not working in America, how come we are still free, and not taken over yet? Because of Prayers and God's protection!"

Really, you guys are free because you are Christians? Norway, the most secular country in the world is also one of the richest--and they're free too.

Canada, a very secular nation has a dollar which is currently higher that the US dollar--and we are pretty darn free as well.

I can assure you that the prosperity and freedom of a nation has nothing to do with God or prayer.

You sound like one of those obnoxious Americans who have never left home soil to see that the United States isn't the centre of the universe.

Corey Bishop said...

Lorena, we're free because of God. Everything is done by God. Nobody is anything without God.

Anonymous said...


Really? Everything is done by God. And I should believe that because YOU say so?

I am not trying to be nasty, Corey. I am just trying to show that you have no proof whatsoever to substantiate what you are saying. Only your word of mouth.

And when backed against the wall, you speak absolutes that make no sense.

For instance, I showed you that the United States is no better than other countries for being a Christian nation, and instead of intelligently refuting my argument, you write absolute claims that make no sense to a person who is using her brain instead of faith.

If your ABSOLUTE knowledge of God is all you have, then you've got NOTHING.

Corey Bishop said...

If that's all I have, then I have everything! And to make it interesting, let's use Science to prove God exists:

- God exists because no ecological niche that desirable would stay empty forever

- Science without Religion is lame.

Religion without Science is blind. --- Einstein

'The religious inclination lies in the dim consciousness that dwells in humans that all nature, including the Humans in it is in no way an accidental game, but a work of lawfulness that there is a fundamental cause of all existence. " --- Einstein

"No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life." --- Einstein

Heaven is such a good idea,

if it didn't exist, it would be built.

Since time curves, it is already built.

Heaven is perfect forgiveness and grace. Hell is perfect justice. If you can ask Christ for forgiveness and correction and forgive all who hurt you, you can go to Heaven because you won't mess it up with bitterness. But if you crave justice you can have that as your afterlife. Everyone gets exactly what they want the most. But if you choose justice instead of mercy, be prepared to give account to every bug you ever stepped on, anyone you ever frowned at, every chicken you ever ate and every person you ever cut off in traffic and be prepared to do that until your dept is paid in full to EVERYONE! Hell must exist, because EVERYONE deserves the best afterlife they can manage. A mind really is a terrible thing to waste. But ask Christ to help you choose Heaven. It is the better choice.

The fanatical atheists are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after a hard struggle. They are creatures who----in their grudge against traditional religion as the 'opium of the masses'--they cannot hear the music of the spheres."

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and not of yourselves, it is a gift of God; not as the results of works, that no one should boast. For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should work in them. Paul Ephesians 2:8-10.

How God Exists: Relativity: Time and Space curve. Future is the past. Evolution+Relativity+Human desire grows Christ who builds the Universe He evolves in. Heaven is built because of science and our desire. Galilee Carpenter is Christ because we want it. Brains are computers. Souls are operating systems Christ must indwell and debug to make us fit for Heaven. Infected OS's ruin ANY network So ask Him in. 1 Cor. 12:27. Ephesians 4:15 John 15:1-2 Revelation 3:20.

The Bible is as accurate and as inaccurate as several thousand years of newspapers stapled together would be. God's existence is no more dependent on the complete accuracy of the Bible than the existence of wolves is dependant on the complete accuracy of the Three Little Pigs

Anonymous said...

Wow! Phrases said by Einstein now turned into cliches, that's science? You've got to be kidding.

Here are a few definitions of science from the dictionary:

1.a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
2. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
3. any of the branches of natural or physical science.
4. systematized knowledge in general.
5.knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.
6. a particular branch of knowledge.
7. skill, esp. reflecting a precise application of facts or principles; proficiency.

Your little parade of Einstein saying does not qualify as science, Cory. Now, if you understood the science Einstein was all about and you used it to prove that god exists, then I wouldn't be laughing. But, by the looks of it, you did really well if you even finished high school.

I am thankful for ignorant people like you, Corey. Being around them and having to socialize with them helped me understand the kind of fantasy Christianity is. When I discovered that, I ran as fast as I could.

Corey Bishop said...

Fantasy, no. We are living the right way.

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!
Big Butter Jesus, Destroyed!! In the twinkling of an eye....LOL

Divine Justice?

Divine Justice?
Jebus is in hell...!

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL
Ahh... that looks much better! Thank You!, Thank You!, Jeebus!..LOL