Who really is in charge of the universe?
Greatly assuming a god-like man created the universe and too, greatly assuming we have a soul, who then is in ultimate control of everything? Would it be the people whom wrote the bible, since they took it upon themselves to say that their words were inspired by a god?
The bible and christians say that it is we, ourselves and up to us who decide where we will spend our eternal destiny, but not being in control of our own very existence, this would be over-riding the creator gods' ultimate authority.
Wouldn't a creator god be the one to decide where we will spend eternity? If the bible god is the creator of a human soul, then it would be totally up to him/she/it (the assumed creator god)to decide where our assumed souls will spend eternity, not by a bunch of mentally deranged men whom wrote the bible, whom said it is what we chose to believe in our hearts, which determines our eternal destiny.
This is an erroneous statement, because our hearts do not choose to do anything, it's only function is to pump blood, but the bible writers thought that blood had some mystical powers, they also thought that their imaginary god above knew when blood was spilled upon the ground and therefore required animal sacrifices of blood and then later, his own son's blood.
If this god wants us to be with him for eternity, then billions of people have lived and died on this planet, yet this god wants everyone to be with him, but the bible says it's up to us, then who really is in control here? Can't this god do nothing on his own, without consulting the bible writers first?
What is he scared of, to be alone or something? Wouldn't say just a couple of thousand people's souls be enough for this god to not feel alone, he supposedly has all those angels, they being all male BTW???
Who is in charge here, the bible god, or the people who wrote the bible and wrote what they imagined what a god would be like? Or is it our own pitiful imaginations who created a god to protect us, a do-nothing god, that we have to imagine through faith to help us with nothing?
Over six million of this Gods chosen people (Jews) prayed for this gods help, he had over four years to intervene, he could have caused Hitler to have a stroke, or a heart attack, or a stray bullet to kill him without anyone knowing that a god had intervened, but he chose not to, why? Because a god of the bible is the total fabrication of ignorant men that lived over 2000 years ago, a do-nothing god invented to pacify peoples fear of the unknown.
No comment. This is a retarded post. Just like the rest. There isn't any logic to it, and nothing put to any use. Just an angry Atheist trying to impress.
Thanks, I feel the fear and anger dripping from your ignorant comments. Jesus is going to whip your ass.
Ha. Real mature. Deleting my comments. What a big baby. Let me know when you stop playing games.
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