America today is being held hostage from fear from a myth about a man that lived around 2000 years ago and he is still believed to have power to control and manipulate the universe and what people think and believe and will send them to hell if they do not believe in him.
This myth was invented and fabricated by a man who claimed to have had a vision, whom was psychotic and mentally insane, yet he is credited with being a very upstanding and Saintly person, because he has misled and manipulated so many people into a believing a grandiose tale of lies and falsehoods.
The authors original name is unknown, but was given the name Paul and was a master at manipulation, mainly to keep his paltry ass out of trouble, along with the people who want to believe in what the lunatic had to say.
The insane tale is about a virgin girl who gets pregnant from a god living in the clouds above, but she happened to be blessed and gave birth to a god child, whom unbeknownst to him was the son of god, so he played along, seeing how ignorant and gullible people wanted to believe that he was their along awaited chosen messiah.
So he goes along the city where people are in total misery are awaiting their miracle and so he tells them they have nothing to fear because they will be in heaven which exactly what they wanted to hear, if they just would believe, and people wanting to believe so much they claim he had performed a miracle and they are were so impressed that the Jesus character in the myth that he begins to believe that he, himself is in fact from a god.
So he begins to pray to himself and feels so implicitly pious and calls himself god, but when he gets up on the cross to die, he starts loosing faith that the is the messiah and wonders just what the hell is going on?
Then after it's way too late, he finds out that it was he who was all along, being played for the fool, and that he was never a god, nor even had an association with any god or gods, and to this very day is considered by atheists the biggest fool that ever was invented in a story that is entirely pure myth and a total fabrication by an insane goat herder who thought the world was flat and that diseases were caused by demons and witch spells.
And yet the majority of Americans living today are living in useless unnecessary fear from a myth fabricated by an insane criminal, solely because they were indoctrinated by their parents to believe in the 2000 year old lie that was contrived by a master manipulator and con man.
We have billions of Muslims living today who think if they touch pig blood or eat pig meat that they will go to hell and I can clearly see why, they have been taught that pigs are from the spawn of demons and Satan, and they have to pray to Allah 5 times a day and they have to remove their shoes, wash their feet, face, and hands and the women have to pray in separate rooms from the men.
Muslims who have P.H.D's and are highly educated but yet cannot escape the stronghold of childhood indoctrination, this silly ignorant belief seems impossible to christians that anyone would believe in such idiotic things as being afraid of pigs blood, yet christians cannot see how foolish they are for having beliefs that are just as stupidly insane as theirs.