A New King Is BORN !

Just imagine what the world would have been like if the Bible based god had not sent himself down and disguised as himself in the flesh to save all the sinners from hell?

Poor little baby Jesus(god) laying there in that manger wrapped up in a swaddling cloth and it was windy and cold and no heat, toes, fingers freezing, laying there in a ole dusty barn with smelly cows, camels, donkeys, pigs, and mules, and nothing to eat, while god is up there toasty warm watching the large screen TV, and god in heaven is wondering when the money will start flowing in, around the time Jesus reaches 14.

The little one laying there sent to us by god to forgive us all for our sins, and no one would put them up for the night because they had no pity upon them and they were doing the best that they could under the circumstanses....weeping...awe....cryinging...tears flowing...violins and harps playing dreadfully sad music, poor little baby Jesus couldn't fend for himself because he didn't know yet that he was sent from god....weeping...tears....please bow down and worship him....oh...weeping crying and tears!

Pray for Jesus, oh pray ye always......weeping and tears!! What a blessing he is?

Pray that Jesus gets to go to be with his father and to be with him forever and ever....oh weeping and tears!!!

Pray ye always, pray damn you, pray even if you don't believe, pray!

Fuck Jesus!!!

John 3:16

God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whomever shall believeth in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Translation: There is a God and he is such a great wonderful loving god that he came down from the clouds and inseminated a young virgin girl, to have himself (disguised as god), murdered(sacrificed) to save people from their sins in order to save them from the hell that he himself created, but only if you're stupid and gullible enough to believe something written down by a man with very little knowledge some 2000 years ago.

What a guy, that god…eh?

The exposure of christian ignorance.

It's not very hard to understand why the white man so easily latched onto the ancient Abrahamic religions, they found that they could take control over people by using the words of a book that grants them the feeling of self-righteousness to which they believe gives them the justification to separate themselves from the nonbelievers and a god given right to label and give people titles in order rob, steal, maim and murder and over take other peoples lands, since anyone who does not believe as they do, they think that they are granted permission by their Bible for nonbelievers to be judged by them and to be called infidels, savages, or worthless sinners, and are considered less-than them whom they believe their souls are in desperate need of being saved, yet the Bible god is willing to forgive those that break his ten commandments, if only they profess to believe in his son.

The basis in which the Bible was written with the intent to control people's minds and to gain a share of their money, the Bible writers knew humans are very naive and they found that they were able to convince people that they are lacking or have a flaw and that they are in desperate need of your services or and you must convince them that they are in some way worthless and in need of salvation and you happen to have a plan for them to overcome their worthlessness. One way to get people to believe in your religion is to deceive people by the natural causation of death for instance, every person that has ever lived on this planet will eventually die, this is a 100 per cent fact. Therefore you incorporate the fear of death to convince people of your truth claim. To use the 100 per cent fact of death of every person is your sufficient proof to convince most people that what you are talking about is based solely in pure fact.

The Christian religion is built upon the question, "Do you know where you will spend eternity after you die?" Of course, the most logical honest answer would be, "I don't know and neither does anyone else!" But you, the originator of the religion, proffer that you have been given special information that has been bestowed upon you through a secret revelation from your creator, that only special holy righteous people are privileged enough to receive and that your creator has a special plan for you, if only you'll believe by faith, do not look for evidence nor question the teachings and you'll have a promise of paradise in heaven, but if you question the ignorance found in the Bible, then you will be sent to the hell that you so richly deserve.

Charlatans and con men cite the Bible using the proven fact of death to convince you the unsuspecting believer that by constantly reminding you of your imminent death that there is a reason why every person will die, and the reason is because you are a worthless sinner, and the wages of death is sin, you are reminded that next to god you are nothing, you are told that you were born into sin because your father and your mother had unholy impure sex and you were born into this world a nasty heathen infidel reprobate savage mongrel and you are a worthless sinner and you have a soul that is like filthy rags, that your soul needs to be cleansed, you're not worthy of your next breath, that human beings don't deserve to be on this planet, and we all deserve to be in a burning hell, but it's a gift of love and mercy and a miracle from god that he would even consider to allow people to exist, with an emotional appeal for you to have repentance of your sins and to cower down and submit to your creator in trembling fear.

So now the authors (fraudulent men) the creators of the Christian religion has invented a way out for you to redeem yourself, to rise above your worthlessness, it's a free gift, yours just for the asking, it's eternal life, all you have to do is believe that the creator god sent himself down from heaven disguised as himself to have his own life sacrificed in order to save your filthy wicked soul that if you will just believe that he sent himself down to be crucified and died for every ones sins by this you will enter the kingdom of heaven, but if you choose not to believe in him and accept this free gift you will be sent your deserving hell for all eternity. All this because he loves everyone so very much! What a guy, huh?

By now, most people are so emotionally encased in fear of their souls from being roasted in hell after being taught this from childhood by their parents, that they are willing to overlook the atrocities and injustices found all through the Bible and are unable to think clearly for themselves and are afraid to doubt one word of the Bible because of the threat of the fires of a flaming hell. At this point, "The glassy eyed Christians, hail, "I BELIEVE BY FAITH, I DON'T NEED EVIDENCE TO BELIEVE!"

Now the only problem with this type of insane ideology which is founded upon the fear of death and the unknown is;

Since every living thing, including all animals, all plants, all grasses, all trees, all sea creatures, all insects, all worms, all birds, every living thing will eventually die, a 100% proven fact.

Just what ungodly sin did all these creatures and plants commit to deserve the unwarranted penalty of death? What horrendous unholy sex act did they commit???Answer! Absolutely NONE!!!
NO SIN was committed, yet they are all doomed to die the punishment of death either at the hands of the righteous humans, or of NATURAL CAUSES!!!

Unscrupulous con men have found that they can conveniently use the fear of death to deceive people into believing that because a person will no longer exist, they can, falsely endorse their insane beliefs into your mind as a tool to convince you that your false religion and your fake god and his three in one son is true, because of the man invented lie of sin! Now if you claim to be a Christian, the charlatans have control of your mind, your precious time and a guaranteed share of your money.

If the wages of sin is death, then every living thing has committed a sin, every plant, every animal, all trees, all grasses, all birds, all sea creatures, all worms, all insects, etc.

What is that evil dastardly sin they all have committed???

The true honest answer is no one knows how any of us got here, when nor why. No human being has traveled past our moon approx. 265,000 miles out, the length of our galaxy is estimated to be 100,000 light years across. We only have human speculation of why we are here.

The Bible was written over 2000 years ago, stories scribbled down based upon rumors, gossip, handed down from generation to generation through oral tradition, invented dogmas, allegory, metaphorical lies, conjecture, speculation, ad hock, embellishments, invented stories and myths, misinterpreted and mistranslated by fallible human beings and not the inspired word of any gods or supreme being.

Why it's difficult to shake religious indoctrination.

Since the invasion of the white Angelo-Saxon religious fanatics that came over here and took over America, we now have a country that is completely saturated in religious indoctrination.

We are all taught early on in childhood not to question the beliefs, motifs, and irrational ideologies of our parents, we are taught that their ways are the right ways, regardless as we grow older of what we can see by our own selves that just what our parents believed just may not be true, we wrongly presume that our parents have already weighed the evidence of the bible for the source of absolute universal truth and their only motif for bringing us and all humans into this world is to fulfill the divine will of god by propagating the species, which makes the male father look pious and righteous in his eagerness to fulfill gods divine purpose.

The male now has the Bible for justification for jumping on the female and making her his sex slave and dominate her as if she were a common farm animal, to many men the Bible also gives the male justification to kill his wife. Look at the statistics at how many men/boys kill, rape, maim , beat, harm women/girls, as opposed to the total of females doing any harm to males.
For an example, google in, Elizabeth Smart, or Jessica Lumsford, or Amish school girls killed in Pennsylvania.

The majority of us Americans have been taught as we were growing up to be such supreme people pleasers all of our lives to the point that, we are afraid to stand up against our own parents religious beliefs and religious authorities. To take a stance against our parents religious beliefs is like stabbing them in the back and telling them where they went wrong in raising us, they just assumed that raising up a child in Christian beliefs was the only way to go and since this country was overtaken and conquered by religious Christian fanatics it only seemed fitting to them that Christianity is the only basis for religious up bringing. Since almost 100% of every person that they have ever met all their entire lives was also in fact a self-boasting - self-proclaiming christain.

They didn't raise us wrong in their minds, they just raised us in a country that was taken over by religious fanatics who foolishly believed that the Bible is the absolute word from a god.

So now being grown adults, Christians not only want to be sure that they please everybody in the community, but they want to please Jesus too by being a good little Christbots and be sure to follow all the Christian rules, set forth in the Buybull and the rules set forth by their pastor to be a shinning example of Christianity and the religious community.

Once in a rare occasion a person steps out and gets brave enough to oppose the irrational ideology of Christianity, it is then perceived as opposing the whole entire community of brainwashed nitwits, therefore the Atheist is outcast and ostracized for their willingness to stand up against the accepted irrational teachings, now you're perceived as an enemy of them and their religion, they are ready to view it as persecution towards them and now this further impounds in their minds that their irrational ideology is the one that they have chosen the Bible wisely to be the one true correct path of guided righteous truth.

Since Atheism is viewed as opposition against their silly childhood beliefs, this also confirms in their minds that, "the enemy Satan" is trying his damnedest to break through their religious wall of faith to get to them and destroy their self-righteous religious beliefs, thus they have been indoctrinated to think that there is a continual never ending war against good and evil going on in their brainwashed minds and that the invisible being, "Satan" is always against them and is forever looking for ways to cleverly trick them.

Faith based belief in invisible beings is a state of mental psychosis, a condition of mental instability.

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!
Big Butter Jesus, Destroyed!! In the twinkling of an eye....LOL

Divine Justice?

Divine Justice?
Jebus is in hell...!

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL
Ahh... that looks much better! Thank You!, Thank You!, Jeebus!..LOL