The exact date America lost it's common sense and became a slave to religion.

The date was March 31, 1621, the day the Mayflower landed with it's load of religiousized self-righteous Christian fanatics, who came over here looking for the opportunity to save lost souls and to convert all infidels to Christianity.

From Wikipedia: The Mayflower was the ship that transported the English Separatists, better known as the Pilgrims, from a site near the Mayflower Steps in Plymouth, England, to Plymouth, Massachusetts, (which would become the capital of Plymouth Colony), in 1620.

[1] There were 102 passengers and a crew of 25–30. The vessel left England on September 6, 1620 (Old Style)/September 16 (New Style),[2] and after a grueling 66-day journey marked by disease, which claimed two lives, the ship dropped anchor inside the hook tip of Cape Cod (Provincetown Harbor) on November 11/November 21.

The Mayflower was originally destined for the mouth of the Hudson River, near present-day New York City, at the northern edge of England's Virginia colony, which itself was established with the 1607 Jamestown Settlement.[3] However, the Mayflower went off course as the winter approached, and remained in Cape Cod Bay.

On March 21/31, 1621, all surviving passengers, who had inhabited the ship during the winter, moved ashore at Plymouth, and on April 5/15, the Mayflower, a privately commissioned vessel, returned to England.

In 1623, a year after the death of captain Christopher Jones, the Mayflower was most likely dismantled for scrap lumber in Rotherhithe, London. [4] The Mayflower has a famous place in American history as a symbol of early European colonization of the future United States. With their religion oppressed by the English Church and government,[5] English Dissenters called Pilgrims who comprised about half of the passengers on the ship desired a life where they could practice their religion freely.

This symbol of religious freedom resonates in U.S. society and the story of the Mayflower is a staple of any American history textbook. Americans whose roots are traceable back to New England often believe themselves to be descended from Mayflower passengers.


Chatpilot said...

I wonder what would have happened if the ship would have capsized and they all would have drowned? Christianity is nothing but utter bullshit to me. In fact, that's how I feel about all religions in general. I find astronomy and physics more fascinating than a search for this fictional God. Hey Steve have you seen that new show from the BBC called Wonders of the Universe hosted by Brian Cox? It is only two episodes in but that show is breathtakingly amazing.

Steven Bently said...

Is it on History channel?

Brian Cox don't ring a bell at thisd time.

Steven Bently said...

I'll look it up thanks!!!

Steven Bently said...

In reply to your first comment, all the ships would have had to not made it to shore, the Indians were out gunned the moment they landed, that's the only caveat to the over all outcome, out gunned my friend....PERIOD!!!!

Chatpilot said...

I watched the show Wonders of the universe online. I will copy and paste the url to this email so you can see for yourself. when you get on the site choose the free download option to view the video. It's an hour long show. Also, if you're interested in watching movies or tv shows old and new on your computer follow this link:

Chatpilot said...

Religions sickens me, especially when they try to force feed it to everyone. I know a bunch of people in my neighborhood that claim to be Christians. The only problem is that they are all a bunch of hypocrites.
Not only that they are deluded as well.

Steven Bently said...

Yeah, following Christianity and Islam is a position of cowardice from not being able nor willing to face the reality of there being no after life, nor are they willing to face the fact that there is no god waiting to reward them and pat them on their backs for their many years of waisted delusional devotion and worthless faith.

Anonymous said...

I just would like to ask you two 1 question. Out of every single thing in the universe beyond space, as far as that goes, you know without a doubt, that in every inch of matter that exists, you know for a fact everything contained out there.

True or false?

Chatpilot said...

I am not sure what you are asking Corey but if it is what I think then here is my reply. No, we don't know everything about the universe. But what differentiates us from Christians is that we admit when we don't know. We don't go out and make up deities to try and explain what we don't know and then claim them to be facts.

Anonymous said...

ok, thank you for answering my question honestly Chatpilot, I appreciate that. Now, to continue on, since you don't know about everything in the universe, the parts you don't know about, wouldn't you say it's POSSIBLE that there is a God? To rule that out would go against the theoretical scientific theory that everything is available for possibilities until proven otherwise, which has yet to happen with God. Just be honest with yourself, and realize that since you don't know everything, there's the CHANCE that a God can be there.

Chatpilot said...

Corey, the reason I have such a hard time accepting the idea of a god is that religions origins can easily be traced to mythology and primitive superstitions. Working backward and studying comparative religion would lead any honest person to acknowledge that the idea of god or gods came from mans infancy. Man was ignorant of the world and so they made up tales to explain those things they did not understand. They deified nature, the stars, animals, the elements etc. And if I was to accept the possibility of god I would have to ignore what I have learned regarding the origins of religion. Not to mention the problem of which god to worship. Polytheism is as old as time itself and monotheism is about 5,000 yrs. old. this just goes to show that religion like all things in life also evolves. When they are discarded they are relegated to the realm of myth and other religions are created to fill the void. It's a never ending process.

Steven Bently said...

ok, thank you for answering my question honestly Chatpilot, I appreciate that. Now, to continue on, since you don't know about everything in the universe, the parts you don't know about, wouldn't you say it's POSSIBLE that there is a God? To rule that out would go against the theoretical scientific theory that everything is available for possibilities until proven otherwise, which has yet to happen with God. Just be honest with yourself, and realize that since you don't know everything, there's the CHANCE that a God can be there."

How about the flying spaghetti monster Corey, he could be real and he loves you so much too?

Corey you better believe in all of the man made gods just to be sure you don't go to the wrong hell!!!!


Anonymous said...

Steven, there's a difference. A spaghetti monster is not logical, but the idea of a Creator, God, is. It just seems illogical to an illogical person, like yourself. You have no logic, therefore you fail to use it. See what I mean?

Steven Bently said...

To you, a god that's logical created a Satan being then invented a man from dirt and then a talking snake to deceive the dirt mans wife and then flooded the earth to destroy all the evil beings that he himself allowed to exist and then that plan didn't work we still have evil and then some four thousand years later he disguised himself as himself as his only son to save people from the evil being that he created in the first place.

And you think you're logical for believeing such idiotic nonsense???

Chatpilot said...

Corey,honestly I don't think that the idea of a creator god is logical at all. There is always the dilemma of who this creator god is and where did he,she,or it came from. Which god should you worship since there are so many? To state that the Christian god is the true god is not logical since no evidence exist to back up your claims. Also, to do so would be a clear demonstration of bias towards other more ancient deities that have been created by man. In my view all deities are the invention of mans imagination and yes this includes the Christian deity since I find no logical reason to exclude him from the rest.

Steven Bently said...

One reason so many christians refuse to see how foolish christianity is because christianity gives them permission to claim a false glorified title in which other christians believe are legitimate titles, like preacher, paster, youth paster, deacon, bishop, song leader, praise leader, etc. etc. fools leading fools!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!
Big Butter Jesus, Destroyed!! In the twinkling of an eye....LOL

Divine Justice?

Divine Justice?
Jebus is in hell...!

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL
Ahh... that looks much better! Thank You!, Thank You!, Jeebus!..LOL