Celebrating July 4th

If you are of the white or black race:

When you go out and celebrate July 4th this year I want you to realize just what it is you are celebrating.

You're celebrating the taking over this land from it's original owners, (The Native American Indians)

You're celebrating the wholesale and wantan killing of innocent people whom already discovered and owned this land.

You are celebrating the murder of little children, mothers, fathers, grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunts.

You proudly put up your captured American flag and shoot fireworks to signify the sounds of war and victory.

You proudly sing with your chest puffed out God Bless America, because a book with a false god, issued the white man the power to come over here and take any land that "he" claims that "he" discovered.

All because "he" (the white man) claims to be superior to other human beings just because he claims to be a Christian.

It's way too damned late to realize this fact, this country has had hundreds of years to revel in christianity and to propagate it's lies as truth.

They were showing paintings this morn. on TV in the white house, one with Pocahontas being converted to christianity and being baptized by Christopher Columbus, a white christian zealot, as her brother watched frowning upon her stupidity.

This is where xtianity originated in America, the white man brought over here with him his self-righteous religious bible book.

This is mainly overlooked and covered up because the majority of Americans up until recently, have been of the white race.

This land was stolen from it's original owners and the Indians were murdered and run onto reservations, under the guise of a xtain god and his faithful xtain servants.

All of the paintings in the white house are of great white men put on pedestals for having come over here and set up their form of democracy, yet they still clung to their xtain beliefs.

It is sweept under the rug because it makes the white man appear to be inhumane and a murderer, which is true and they (the white man) used the bible (gods divine will, Deuteronomy) to justify the killing of the indigenous peoples.

Columbus wasn't looking for America, he had no idea that the American continent was here, he thought that he had arrived at the West Indies, hence calling the indigenous peoples "Indians".

If he had been following a god's will he would have known there existed a new land between Spain and the West Indies.

Columbus was a freakin idiot, which goes along with the term Christian.


Anonymous said...

"You're celebrating the taking over this land from it's original owners, (The Native American Indians)"

Where did the Native American Indians get their religious beliefs from?

Do you hate them too?

Why do you call them Indians if they are a false name given to them by Columbus whom you hate?

Stupid is as Stupid does....Ha hahaha.....ahahahahaha

Steven Bently said...

Just look in a mirror.

Steven Bently said...

Where is a mention of hate anywhere in this blog?

I've noticed anytime people point out stupidity to them it translates into hate for them, you are the epitome of it.

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!

This magnificent pile of shit destroyed by the god of lightning!!!
Big Butter Jesus, Destroyed!! In the twinkling of an eye....LOL

Divine Justice?

Divine Justice?
Jebus is in hell...!

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL

This eyesore off of I-75 in Ohio finally gone, Praise Tha Friggin Lord...LOL
Ahh... that looks much better! Thank You!, Thank You!, Jeebus!..LOL